Name: Jonny
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Physical Feature: Brown hair, brown eyes, on the round side
Personality: happy
Likes: Bakugan
Dislikes: none
Hydranoid (400gs)
Mantris (370gs)
Prayus (430gs) Guardian
Centiploid (380gs)
Ability Cards:
Power of Darkus- all darkus get 140gs more
Movement- (mantris only) i move one bakugan to another card
Guard- I can block watever i pick (x2)
Water Pulse- (Prayus only) ur bakugan loses 100 gs (x2)
Dig Deep- (Centiploid only) i get to move my bakugan to another card
Gate Cards:
Mantris- my Mantris gets 100 more gs
Bitting Pincers- (centiploid only) i absorb 100 gs and u lose 100 gs
Waterfall- (pyraus only) i get to gain 150 to its gs
Reverse- the lowest gs wins
Double Battle- each player rolles another bakugan, then they add the gs (x2)
Hydranoids Roar- (hydranoid only) my bakugan gets to move one bakugan to another card
Character Card:
Bigger Pincers- my centiploid gets double its main gs