I finally had time to do this. Anyway, the english versions of the final episodes have been out, so with Shun's ok, Infinity Drago, Silent Naga, and the 5th Paladin are going to be added to the site. These Bakugan are only to be used in tag-team tournament finals. So let's go.
Infinity Drago- 100Gs
Flame Driver- Negates an ability
Dive Breach- Moves to another gate card
Fire Grandum- 50G boost
Arrow Dragon- 100G boost
Lunatic Burst- 150G boost
Burning Dragonia- 200G boost
Mountain Burst- Negates opponent's ability, allows counter-ability
Infinity Deamon- Attack a Bakugan on a different gate card
[Fusion} Destra Strike- Only usable after all abilities are used and Infinty Drago's the last bakugan the team has. Grants 500G boost
Silent Naga- 1000Gs
Silent Down- Lowers opponent's Gs by 100
Bottom Zero- (Only against 450Gs or higher) Drops opponent's Gs by 300
Bakugan Drain- May absorb a team's onfield Bakugan to gain that Bakugan's Gs
Darkus Wrath- 200G boost
The 5th Paladin is an interesting bunch. Since there are 5 seperate Bakugan, but they act as one, we'll use them as such. If you have any questions, feel free to Pm me or Shun.
5th Paladin- 1000Gs total, 200Gs each
Magnum Ulisies- 200G boost total, 40G each
Clay Terriar- 100G boost total, 20 each, may direct at a bakugan on a different gate card.
Note about Paladins: Whenevr the Paladins are sent out, they begin as all 5 in a group. However, after being sent out the user may direct any number to a different gate card, as long as at least one remains on the original gate card. For example, 5 are on gate card 1. The next turn, if they aren't fighting, 2 could go to gate card 2 and 2 to gate card 3, or 3 to gate card 2 while 2 remain on gate card 1, etc.