bakugan aquaos bakuga:
aquaos laserman
350 gs ■Spiced Slayer: Transfers 100 Gs from opponent to Laserman.
■Leap Sting: Allows Laserman to attack from anywhere from the battlefield.
Aquos Limulu■Holograph Divide: Increases Limulus by the same amount of Gs that the opponent is increased by.
■Dive Mirage: Allows Limulus to move to another Gate Card, making any affect the Gate Card it was on nullified.
■Water Refrain: Stops your opponent from activating ability cardss
Aquos Juggernoid
(330G)■Water Refrain: Prevents the opponent from using abilities. (Aquos)
■Depth Tornado: Adds 100 Gs to Juggernoid. (Aquos)
■Dive Mirage: Allows Juggernoid to move to another Gate Card. (Aquos
Aquos Mantris
(300G)■Twin Machete: Adds 100 Gs to Mantris.
■Marionette: Enables Mantris to move any Bakugan to any Gate Card that its owner chooses.
■Slice Cutter: Subtracts 50 Gs from the opponent.
■Sling Blazer: Enables Mantris to move any Bakugan to any Gate Card that its owner chooses.
Aquos Siege
(300G)■Tsunami Wave: If you have three Aquos Bakugan, it defeats all Bakugan except for Siege. (Aquos)
■Aquos Javelin: Switches Gate Card with the one next to it. (Aquos)
■Water Refrain: Prevents the opponent from using abilities for a short time. (Aquos)
■Dive Mirage: Allows Siege to move to another Gate Card. (Aquos)
Abis Omega 350 gs
Dry World: The opponent cannot activate any Aquos Ability Cards and adds 200 Gs to Abis Omega.
bakugan Guardians:
Preyas 300 gs
Bakugan: crystal Sirenoid 460 gs
Aquos Elfin (400G) x1
Aquos Elico (400G) x1
ability cards:
~*~Lizard Of Waters Set ~*~
Bakugan: Preyas
Available In: Aquos Only!
Aquos Preyas(x1): 300G
Character Card (Preyas) x1
Double Preyas' G Power
Preyas can change his attribue once per round
Gate Cards
Aquos Use Only
Aquos Waves:
All Aquos Bakugan recieve +100G
Aquos Space:
All Aquos Bakugan recieve +100G
Artic Waters:
All other gate cards are nolyfied for the rest of this turn.
Aility Cards
Aquos Use Only
Blue Stealth:
Preyas gains 50G and his opponent loses 50G. The gate card he is standing on is also nolyfied
(Fusion) Aquos Blur:
Play after you activate "Blue Stealth" . Preyas' opponent cannot activate fusion abilities this turn.
Dive Mirage:
Move any Aquos Bakugan to another gate card.
Evolution Requirements: Preyas G Power must be at 400G and you must have no ability cards left to use. Evolution may occur during the brawl.
Preyas (400G) +
Angelo(Aquos and Haos) & Diablo (Aquos and Pyrus) Both 400G. Preyas still has the Ability to change attribute. Diablo and Angelo do not.
Cards With Evolution:
Diagonal Relationship (Ventus and Haos): Play when you have a Ventus and Haos Bakugan on the field. Both those Bakugan gain 100Gs as long as both of them remain on the field. If one Bakugan is taken off the field the G power of the remaining Bakugan is returned to what it was before this card was played
Diagonal Relationship (Darkus and Pyrus): Play when you have a Darkus and Pyrus Bakugan on the field. Both those Bakugan gain 100Gs as long as both of them remain on the field. If one Bakugan is taken off the field the G power of the remaining Bakugan is returned to what it was before this card was played
Evolution Requirements: Collect Trinity Crystals by winning 10 brawls
3rd Evolution:
Trinity Preyas(600G) * Still compatable with all previouse Ability Cards. Can have a combination of Pyrus Haos and Aquos, or Ventus Subterra and Darkus Attribute at once. (Fuses with Diablo and Angelo at evolution to form one Bakugan ball)
Cards With Evolution:
Trinity Of Light: If Trinity Preyas is in the combination of Pyrus Haos and Aquos increase its G Power by 300G
Trinity Of Dark: If Trinity Preyas is in the Combination of Ventus Subterra and Darkus increase its G Power by 300G
(Fusion) Trinity Spiral: Play after "Trinity Of Light" or "Trinity Of Dark". Your opponent is not allowed to play an Ability Card, Equip Card, or Gate Card. (This card cannot be negated.)
{Ruler Of The Seven Seas Sirenoid}
Bakugan: Sirenoid
Available In: Aquos Only
Aquos Sirenoid (x1): 370G
Character Card x1 (Sirenid)
Double Sirenoids G Power
Gate Cards
Aquos Use Only
Deep Sea Dive: All none Aquos Bakugan have their G Power decreased by 100G
Depth Rage:
All Aquos Bakugan gain 100G
Surf and Dive:
Move one Aquos Bakugan onto this gate card.
Ability Cards
Aquos Use Only
Siren Sound:
Select one Bakugan and draw it onto the gate card Sirenoid is on. This ability cannot be countered.
(Fusion) Siren Harp:
Use one of your opponent's used abilities.
Dive Mirage:
Move any Aquos Bakugan from one gate card to another.
Evolution Requirements: None
Crystal Sirenoid (460G) Still compatable with all Sirenoid Ability Cards.
Cards Included With Evolution:
Crystal Harp: Increase Sirenoid's G Power by 140G
(Fusion) Silent Sound: Move any Bakugan of your choice to a Gate Card with Sirenoid and decrease their G Power to 0G
Evolution Requirements: Collect Dople Ganger Energy by winning 10 Brawls
3rd Evolution:
Dople Sirenoid(560G) *Still compatable with all previouse Ability Cards. Now has the Ability to change Attribute and possess Aquos along with another attribute at once.
Cards Included With Evolution:
Dople Ganger: Make Sirenoid any 2 attributes you wish while increasing her G Power by 200G
Deadly Song: The G Power boost from your opponent's Ability Card is diverted to Sirenoid instead of their Bakugan for the rest of the round.
}*{Playful Waters Set}*{
Aquos Elfin (400G) x1
*Has the ability to change Attributes once per round.
Elfin Character Card: All Elfin receive x2 G Power
Gate Card
Adamantine Seal: No Ability Cards are to be played this round unless both opposing players' Bakugan are Aquos
Bexster Sea: Any none Aquos Bakugan lose half their G Power
Corrupted Grounds: The attributes of the battling Bakugan on this card are switched.
Ability Card
Subterra Reaction: Change your opponent's attribute to Subterra
Delta Marine Snow: Return Elfin's G Power to the highest it has gone to (without Bakugan Trap) in the current round. Nolify all of your opponent's Ability Cards played before this card. Your opponent cannot play any Ability Cards until you run out of Ability Cards to play in this round.
Twin Back: Use when Elfin is Darkus. Add double any G Power taken away from Elfin in this round to Elfin
Evolution Requirements: Win a Brawl with Elfin's G Power at 800G or more.
Aquos Dual Elfin (530G) *Now has the ability to fight with 2 attributes at once. *Can still change one of her attributes once per round. When she stands her 1st Attribute is automatically Aquos; you select the other attribute. Still fully compatible with Elfin's Ability Cards.
Cards Included With Evolution:
Shooting Stardust: -200G for one of your opponent's Bakugan. +200G for Dual Elfin
Blue Shield: Nolify your opponent's Ability Card. +200G for Elfin
Wing Mecury: Play when one of Dual Elfin's battling attribute is Ventus. +200G for Dual Elfin
Evolution Requirements: Collect Aquos Energy by winning 10 Brawls
3rd Evolution:
Aquos Mynx Elfin (600G) *Can change attribute once per round. Still compatible with all of Elfin and Dual Elfin's Ability Cards.
Cards Included With Evolution:
Ding Dong Ditch: -300G for one of your opponent's Bakugan
Wind Harrier(Ventus): +400G for Elfin
Hyper Bubble Shield: -400G for one of your opponent's Bakugan. +400G for Mynx Elfin.
Super Moon-Bow: -300G for one of your opponent's Bakugan. +300G for Mynx Elfin.
}*{ Mysteriouse Waters Set }*{
Aquos Elico (400G) x1
*Can change attribute once per round
Elico Character Card: All Elico receive x2 G Power
Gate Cards
Glamour Gate: Each player receives 30G x the first digit in their G Power.
Sprite Leave: If your opponent's Bakugan is not Aquos then end the Brawl. If this card is successful both players receive their Ability Cards used in this round back.
Relic Rain: All Aquos Bakugan receive +200G.
Ability Cards
Drill Blow: +200G for Elico. -100G for all of your opponent's Bakugan
Scramble Zwei: Double Elico's base G Power. - 400G from opponent's Bakugan
Gaia Luze: Use when Elico is Subterra. All Bakugan on the field (including Elico) go back to their base G Power level. Your opponent cannot activate any Ability Cards.
Evolution Requirements: Obtain Mystic Dice by winning a brawl with a full Life Gauge (500G) and Elico's G Power at 600G or more.
Mystic Elico (???G) *Has the Ability to change its Attribute. Still compatible with all of Elico's Ability Cards. Mystic Elico's G Power is decided by rolling a dice. Multiply the number that comes up by 100G
Cards Included With Eovlution:
Mythran Judge: Play when Mystic Elico is Haos. Nolify your opponent's Abiltiy Card. +100G for Mystic Elico
Flash Freeze: Nolify your opponent's Ability Card.
Mystic Shadow Cover: No more Ability Cards are allowed to be played for the rest of the round. +200G for Mystic Elico.
Evolution Requirements: Obtain Chaos Ability X by winning 10 Brawls.
3rd Evolution:
Blast Elico (700G) *Still compatible with Mystic Elico and Elico's Ability Card. Still has the ABility to change Attribute
Cards Included with Evolution:
Gaia Divide(Subterra): -500G for opponent's Bakugan
(Fusion)Gaia Booster : Play after you play "Gaia Divide". +300G for Blast Elico. - 300G for one of your opponent's Bakugan
Hydro Typhoon: -300G for one of your opponent's Bakugan. +300G for Blast Elico
Reflection Jacket: Change your opponent's Attribute to their opposite
■Hunter Whip: Subtracts 200 Gs from the opponent.
■Radiant Claw: Adds 200 Gs to Macubass.
■Battle Composition: Subtracts 400 Gs from the opponent.
■Mowser Barracuda: Adds 300 Gs to Macubass.
■Moby Cannon (Moby Killer/Moby Finale): Adds 400 Gs to Macubass.
■ABSIDS: Transfers 400 Gs from the opponent to Macubass.
■Marina Cavitation: Prevents the opponent from opening their Gate Card.
■Depth Dive: Nullifies the opponent's Gate Card.
■Stingray Shield: Nullifies the opponent's abilities.
■Saber Barracuda: Subtracts 300 Gs from the opponent.
■Big Wrath: Nullifies the opponents ability and then prevents them from activating anymore abilities.
■Blue Morbus: Subtracts 300 Gs from each opponent.
■Tsunami Wave: Subtracts 400 Gs from each opponent.
■ABSIDS TR 2: Transfers 500 Gs from the opponent to Macubass.
ignore the crappy evo stipulations
+1 doom card