Happy birthday early nik i will not be online here a song for you here i start when you wake up it your birthday that happens every year as you can see and when you walk down stairs your family has a superise for you its a party you happy to see your friends and then eat your cake and icecreams and you decide to dance then want to talk and play games after that you want to play truth or dare dont want dont back down to do it you can do it no matter what always have your friends beside you forever and forever if you want to remember the birthday record it and creating all those remembers even though birthdays last a day wish it could last a long time cause it cant happen aleast it one day make it so much fun will always remember that day like i said dont back way from your pary enjoy this only happen every year and if was a bad day ask family and friends to help out and make it fun also no one couldnt chage your birthday you can believe it stop them tryed to ruin your birthday day this is your day its happen you have grown up even though we want to stay young dont happen and age doesnt mean a thing so dont let no one tell you differnt you know who you are cant pretend birthday do not exist they do dont be afraid to turn another age it happen but we wounder why cant stay one a age and remember to have the best bay of your life show them that you will enjoy that birthdat always happy birthday i hope you like this song tell me if you do yes or no